Miss Emma is one step closer to her forever home! On Saturday, Jillian, Fowler and their wonderful dog Buckley made the long drive from Sausalito to San Jose to meet Emma for the first time. Jillian had been looking at her pictures online for so long that she said she felt like finally meeting Emma "in the fur" was akin to meeting a celebrity.
As expected, Emma had to push Buckley around a bit at first, which he handled in stride. Let me just say, I'm in love with Buckley. It's hard to believe this marvelous dog hung around in shelters and rescues for over three years before being adopted by Jillian and Fowler. He is a dalmation and pointer mix, and like many white dogs, is deaf. Talking to Jillian was a real education on the challenges of having a deaf dog. But having seen the bouncy joy that is Buckley, I'm sure his people think he is well worth the effort. I know I would!
Buckley moving in for a kiss!
After their initial greeting, Jillian headed off to training class with Emma and me. Emma was seduced by a steady stream of turkeydogs from Jillian, and Jillian got to see Emma at her jaunty best as she showed off her heel moves. Then it was back to the house and another meet and greet with Fowler and Buckley and a little walk around the block without me.
Despite Jillian saying then and there that they wanted to adopt Emma, I imposed my standard "24 hour cute fuzzy puppy daze" contemplation period. Hey, I know the hypnotic qualities of dog breath... you need some time for your logic to return! Happily Emma's appeal survived the waiting period and I got an email yesterday evening saying that Jillian and Fowler will be inviting Emma into their two and four legged family.

Emma contemplates Buckley from her perch in my sun room
Though I will be extremely sad to say goodbye to Emma, this is why we foster and I am so happy that she has found such a lovely family. Both Jillian and Fowler are very active (Fowler has ridden across the US on his bicycle!) and Emma will get lots of fun exercise in the beautiful dog-friendly setting of Sausalito and Marin County. In addition, we all hope that as Emma bonds with Buckley and perhaps gets some specialized training she will be able to serve as a 'hearing dog' for Buckley and allow him a bit more freedom to safely run freely. In other words, this little girl has an amazing doggie life ahead of her.